Living With Lakes (fomerly Naturepalooza)
Returns June 22nd to Rogers Lakewood Park

Date: Saturday, June 22nd

Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Place: Rogers Lakewood Park, Valparaiso


Living With Lakes (AKA Naturepalooza) Returns June 22th to Rogers Lakewood Park.  Dive into learning all about and protecting Porter County’s treasured Chain of Lakes, its flora, fauna, wildlife and surrounding watershed. Hosted by the Valparaiso Chain of Lakes Watershed Group, this annual event focuses on education and the science of our lakes.

Local environmental and conservation groups will be there with information and displays, along with a series of speakers, all set in a relaxed picnic atmosphere on the shore of Loomis Lake and lagoon. The event is free & open to the public.

This year’s presenters include:
9:00 – Nicole Harmon, Human Indiana, Director Of Wildlife Rehabilitation And Education

9:40 – Spencer Courtright – The Lives and Times of Midwestern Amphibians

11:00 – Julie Peller, Ph.D. – Chemistry, Valparaiso University presenting on “Forever Chemical” contaminants in our water

12:00 – Lunch & Listen w/ Alyssa Suprenant, 2024 Valparaiso Chain Of Lakes Environmental Scholarship winner, as well as chance to hear from our exhibitors

1:00 – An aquatic plant workshop will follow the seminars at 1 pm. Sarah Powers of the Indiana Lake Management Society.

Volunteers are needed to help with set-up please email Walt Breitinger